Dirty Blooms Bee Blitz 2024

Bee Count Starts 04/04 Thru 10/31

Download the Inaturalist App to participate

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in making the changes that we need to make to save our pollinators and our planet.  Citizen Science, teaching kids to respect nature, planting native plants are just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do to help!


Be a Citizen Scientist

Monitor Something!

Saving our bees and other invertebrae like dragonflies, relies on submitted observation, widespread data collection and participation from citizen science projects.

These projects help determine areas in need of regenerative or conservation efforts.

Participate in a single project like our Dirty Blooms Bee Blitz for 2021 and click below to find other citizen science projects.

Toddler in woods learning about bugs, bees and butterflies

Teach Through Fun

Get the kids outside!

Nature adventures bring about teachable moments that are most often remembered when learning is FUN!

Nurture and grow children's respect and empathy skills with new plant and wildlife introductions.

Spiritual connections are made with each noise heard, each fragrance inhaled, and each texture touched while walking or playing in the parks.


Plant Native Plants

Small Space Conservation Counts!

Re-wild acres of lawn or grow one pot full of Milkweed on your front porch; the tiniest of native plant initiatives counts in conservation.

We need MILLIONS of small space conservation areas not just a few super large parks.

Let us help get you started with a free native plant or tree!


Protect Our Pollinators

6 MUST DO's that will have a major impact on their survival

Don't rake the leaves!


No Pesticides-Shop organic plants

Turn off outside lights at night


Review your states invasive plant list yearly


Plant specifically for endangered & threatened species